In these 13 grindmill songs full of vivid word pictures, two singers from Shirur taluka , Pune, sing of Sita’s exile in the forest and the sorrow of losing loved ones
Ram is like the comfort of a piece of areca nut
I take his name and I relax, my soul is at peace
Singing with Sonubai Mote, Ratnabai then gives us a glimpse into scenes from the epic – one of them describing Sita lovingly wiping the sweat off Ram’s forehead as their chariot passes through the market.
In the next part, Ratnabai takes us into Lanka, where Ravana’s son Indrajit is killed in battle with Ram’s army, and Indrajit’s wife Sulochana is asking for written proof of her husband’s death. She cannot believe that he is no more, even though his severed head lies in the courtyard. The scene is a reminder that loss and grief are borne by both sides in a war.
Sonubai sings of Sita’s exile as she leaves for the forest, her forehead smeared with kunku . A blameless woman, Sita is left to stay in the forest – with all the physical and moral hardships that the desertion, loss of love, and solitude carry with them. Ram watches her leave with tears in his eyes, and the narrator blames the sinful Ravan for Sita’s sorrows.

"In such a forest, Sita, how could you sleep?" the singer asks
Left alone in the forest, Sita lives in a tent made out of her saree and sleeps on the ground, with nothing but a stone for a pillow. It is the the bori (jujube) and babhali (acacia) trees, her companions who console her. These thorny trees with fissured barks typically grow at the edges of forests, and rural women use them in their songs to represent the barbed, unequal status of women in society, a challenge they too regularly deal with.
“Sita’s sorrows have not ended with the Ramayana,” said C. Rajagopalachari in the epilogue to his retelling of the epic. “They go on, still, in the lives of our women.” Even after the fire-ordeal to prove her chastity to the world, Sita was sent to the forest, mirroring, what he says is, “the voiceless and endless suffering of our womenfolk.”
According to the Ramayana , during their 14-year exile, Sita, Ram and his brother Laxman make their home in the forest at Panchavati, which is believed to be located in present-day Nashik in Maharashtra. It was the same forest, the singers imagine, where Sita was in solitary exile, described in the Ramayana ’s Uttarakanda section. They narrate that the mother Sita sings a lullaby for her twin sons Lahu and Ankus, who are “the clever boys of Panchavati.
In the last three couplets
on devotion and
affection towards the sons of Sita and Ram, the singers tell us that the two
young boys have an afternoon bath at the Ramkund, a holy spot in River Godavari.
Some Hindu devotees believe that Ram bathed there during his exile from Ayodhya
with Sita and Laxman.
Through these 13 ovi , Ratnabai Padwal and Sonubai Mote, question the behaviour of the most ideal of mythological men, Lord Ram, even as they worship him. By also showing the sorrow and love of Sulochana, and not only of Sita, the singers compel us to look at the epics, and life, from the point of view of women from both sides of warring nations.
राम म्हणू राम, राम गळ्याचं ताईत
घातिलं गळ्यामंदी, नाही जनाला माहित
राम म्हणू राम, राम संगतीला चांगला
माझ्या हुरद्यात, यानं बंगला बांधिला
राम म्हणू राम, राम सुपारीचं खांड
याचं नावू घेता, देही झाली गार थंड
रामाला आला घाम, सीता पुसी पदरानं
कोणाची झाली दृष्ट, रथ गेला बाजारानं
रामाला आला घाम, सीता पुसिती लहुलाया
कोणाची झाली तुला दृष्ट, माझ्या रामराया
* * *
मारिला इंद्रजीत, शीर पडलं अंगणी
सत्याची सुलोचना, कागद मागती अंगणी
सीता चालली वनवसा, कुंकू कपाळी भरुनी, गं सईबाई
राम देखले दुरुन, आली नेतरं भरुनी गं
सीता चालली वनवसा, हिला आडवी गेली गायी गं सईबाई
हे गं येवढा वनवास, पाप्या रावणाच्या पायी गं
हे गं येवढ्या वनामंदी, कोण रडतं आइका गं सईबाई
सीतेला समजावया, बोऱ्या बाभळ्या बाइका गं
येवढ्या वनामंदी, कोण करितं जु जु जु गं सईबाई
सीताबाई बोलं लहु अंकुस बाई निजू
हे गं येवढ्या वनामंदी, सीता झोप ना कशी आली गं साईबाई
सीताबाईनं केली दगडाची उशी गं
येवढ्या वनामंदी, काय दिसतं लाल लाल गं सईबाई
सीताबाईनं केलं, लुगड्याचं पाल गं
* * *
रामकुंडावरी कुण्या वाहिला गुलाल
आंघोळीला येती पंचवटीचं दलाल
रामकुंडावरी कोण्या वाहिली सुपारी
आंघोळीला येती लहु अंकुस दुपारी
रामकुंडावरी वल्या धोतराची घडी
आंघोळीला येती लहु अंकुसाची जोडी
rāma mhaṇū rāma rāma gaḷyāca tāīta
ghātīla gaḷyāmandī nāhī janālā māhita
rāma mhaṇū rāma rāma saṅgatīlā cāṅgalā
mājhyā huradyāta yāna baṅgalā bāndhīlā
rāma mhaṇū rāma rāma supārīca khāṇḍa
yēcā nāvū ghētā dēhī jhālīnā gārathaṇḍa
rāmālā ālā ghāma sītā pusī padarāna
kōṇācī jhālī drīṣṭa ratha gēlā bājārāna
rāmālā ālā ghāma sītā pusītī lahulāyā
kōṇācī jhālī tulā drīṣṭa mājhyā rāmarāyā
* * *
mārīlā indrajīta śīra paḍala aṅgaṇī
satyācī sulōcanā kāgada māgatī aṅgaṇī
sītā cālalī vanavāsā kunku kapāyī bharunī ga sa'ībā'ī
rāma dēkhalē duruna ālī nētara bharunī ga
sītā cālalī vanavāsā hīlā āḍavī gēlī gāyī ga sa'ībā'ī
yēvaḍhā vanavāsa pāṇyā rāvaṇācyā pāyī ga
hē ga yēvaḍhyā vanāmandī raḍata āīkā ga sa'ībā'ī
sītālā samajāvayā bōryā bābhaḷyā bāīkā ga
yēvaḍhyā vanāmandī kōṇa karīta ju ju ju ga sa'ībā'ī
sītābāī bol lahu aṅkusa bāī niju
he ga yēvaḍhyā vanāmandī sītā jhōpanā kaśī ālī ga sa'ībā'ī
sītābā'īna kēlī dagaḍācī uśī ga
yēvaḍhyā vanāmandī kāya disata lāla lāla ga sa'ībā'ī
sītābāīna kēla lugaḍyāca pāla ga
* * *
rāmakuṇḍāvarī kuṇyā vāhilā gulāla
āṅghōḷīlā yētī pañcavaṭīca dalāla
rāmakuṇḍāvarī kōṇyā vāhilī supārī
āṅghōḷīlā yētī lahu aṅkusa dupārī
rāmakuṇḍāvarī valyā dhōtarācī ghaḍī
āṅghōḷīlā yētī lahu aṅkusācī jōḍī
Ram, I say, Ram is like a talisman around my neck
people don’t know that I wear it on my neck
Ram is with me, he is good company
He has built a bungalow in my heart
Ram is like the comfort of a piece of areca nut
I take his name, and I relax, my soul is at peace
Ram is sweating, Sita wipes [his forehead] with the end of her saree
“Who cast an evil eye?” She asks, as the chariot goes through the bazaar
Ram is sweating, Sita wipes [his forehead] promptly
“Who cast an evil eye on you, my Ramraya?”
* * *
Indrajit was killed, his head has fallen in the courtyard
The virtuous Sulochana, disbelieving, asks for it in writing
Sita is leaving for her exile in the forest, her forehead smeared with
Rama watched her from a distance, his eyes were filled with tears
Sita is going for her exile in the forest, a cow crossed her
O this long exile is because of the sinful Ravan
In such a forest, who is weeping? Listen!
Bori-babhali [jujube and acacia trees] are
the women who listen to and console Sita
In such a forest, who sings a lullaby?
Sita says, “Lahu and Ankus are sleeping”
In such a forest, Sita, how could you sleep?
Laying your head on a stone for a pillow
In this whole forest, what appears so red
Sitabai made a tent from a saree
* * *
Who was offered
near Ramkund?
The clever children [Lahu and Ankus] from Panchavati come for bath
Who has offered areca nut near Ramkund?
Lahu and Ankus come for their bath in the afternoon
There is a pair of wet folded
near Ramkund
The twins Lahu and Ankus are coming for their bath

Performer/Singer: Sonubai Mote
Village: Savindane
Taluka: Shirur
District: Pune
Occupation: Farmer and homemaker
Caste: Maratha
Performer/Singer: Ratnabai Padwal
Village: Savindane
Taluka: Shirur
District: Pune
Occupation: Farmer and homemaker
Caste: Maratha
Date: These songs were first recorded on December 13, 1995
Poster: Urja
Read about the original Grindmill Songs Project founded by Hema Rairkar and Guy Poitevin.